What If?
Let's say, for just a moment, that everything that is happening is serving us. Suspend, for a moment, any disbelief and consider the...
How We Do One Thing...
is How We Do Everything.
Crest and Trough
When dancing with an ocean wave, it's best to speed up paddling as the the trough pushes upward and becomes the crest. The wave thrusts...
When people talk about optimizing, they are usually excited about a profitable new business strategy. It entails taking something that...
Greater Than the Sum of the Parts of Ourselves
We are all made up of parts. Each aspect of ourselves has a valid personality, history, and set of beliefs. Sometimes, we can view these...
Do this.
Do this as soon as possible. Replace the word "should" with "commit to do everything possible". I should do more. ----> I commit to do...
Threatening The System
When someone fights us, criticizes us, or bans us, there is an invitation to take blame or become angry. Ask yourself, "Is something I'm...
Telling All The Secrets
When we tell someone else something we've kept inside, we are lifted from the isolated guilt trap. When we share what we've done or...
The Ocean Far From Shore
For the first time in my life, I went out to sea far from shore on an outrigger canoe. I spend time on the beach studying the waves...
Why We Don't Want to Get Better
Occasionally, the self-aware folks will notice that part of themselves doesn't want things to change or get better. That part, as...